Manzanita Circus Performs at Annual Peace Walk

Stars from Manzanita Community and SEED Elementary Schools promoted community harmony and peace on May 7th, performing as part of the events at the 4th Annual Manzanita Community Coalition Peace Walk.

Manzanita Peace WalkManzanita Circus students greeted peers, families, and community members before the event, showing off their stilt walking skills and giving smiles all around.

Manzanita stilters 5.7.14

As the peace walkers left school grounds, the rest of the performers prepared for the big show!

Manzanita prep 5.7.14

Once the marchers returned, there were several speakers—students, faculty, and local police officers shared their experiences and realities of violence and the importance of a community-wide focus on safety. We were super proud that Carlos participated as one of the speakers.

studentspeech 5.7.2014

Following the presentation, it was time to shine! Manzanita Circus students performed a thrilling 30-minute show featuring all the skills they have worked on this year—juggling, hula hooping, hip-hop dancing, plate spinning, stilt dancing, and of course plenty of clowning!

Manzanita spring show 5.7.14The Manzanita Circus program is one of 5 of our Satellite programs and is a collaboration between Prescott Circus Theatre, Manzanita SEED, Learning for Life, Manzanita Community, and the East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC).  The program began in January and met twice weekly for 16 weeks under the direction of resident teaching artists Tyler Parks and Kelly “Texas” Holly.  Special thanks to Manzanita SEED’s principal, Beatrice Martinez, and after school program director, Simone Delucchi and Manzanita Community’s principal, Eyana Spencer and after school program director, Jason Guinto.  Our students show their best when we surround them with a strong network of care and support!  


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